horoscopes for aquarius season (19 jan-18 feb 2025)

by | Jan 18, 2025 | horoscopes



your season starts off with a kind of intense and melancholic bang. do not fear. within the chaos is a very still point and from that point new, beautiful beginnings can grow. over the next four weeks try to speak with your solar plexus. have daily check-ins with your center. get weird, share jokes, be vulnerable but remain in dialogue with the part of your body that most feels like your core. imagine there is an eccentric and wizened elder living right in the middle of your being, who is full of good advice. the trick to this practice is to give yourself time to actually listen. so whatever you do, don’t rush it. go deep within yourself instead of getting obsessive about others.



it’s easier to trust the adaptability of both your mind and your responses when you are anchored. aquarius season is an excellent time for you to get clarity about the desires that anchor you, as well as the values that anchor you. if you carve out some space to visualize your anchors this month, you’ll be ready for the whirlwind of cosmic activity that the month of march is preparing for us. trust that your own mode of arriving at clarity is intrinsically mystical and poetic. on valentine’s day, write an ode to your desires and/or a love letter to your values. let poetry be the list that reminds you of the shape, quality and guidance of every important anchor in your life.



i know you’re probably tired of the drama, tired of being annoyed, tired of everything. but for you aquarius season is that part of the action movie where the protagonist can actually rest, drink clean water and find medicine before the real shit begins. approach the next four weeks as though they are the sanctuary of Rivendell. use this time to receive support and nourish your body. you are embarking on a new adventure, which is great in theory but exhausting in practice. i know you can rise to challenge – but before you do, keep moving slow. replenish yourself. at this point in the story, even the tiniest gifts can go along way. try be receptive to them.



this time of year always brings a kind of inner (or outer) itchy feeling for you, and that’s ok. remember that sensations of vague and general discomfort usually occur right before a period of growth. although you’ve been growing by leaps and bounds over the past several years, we both know true change takes time. right now you’re kind of on a precipice of profound integration. but don’t rush it. if anything, prepare yourself to feel like you’re moving backwards before you move forwards once more. aquarius season could ruffle some feathers in your social groups and public life so try to stay steady and maintain perspective. and above all, stay kind.



it’s worth understanding that you can (and probably do) move at multiple different speeds, perhaps even simultanously. there might be some parts of your life that feel like they’re moving at the speed of lightning right now and other parts that are moving incredibly slowly. pace is a multi-dimensional phenomena and you are adept at adapting. try to tune into the different speeds that your life is composed of. remember that whenever the sun is moving through a fellow air sign (aquarius and libra) the universe is giving you a little lift, a little gift, a little respite from our crazy world. so this season, open your palms (either quickly or slowly or both) and allow it.



you are well into a season of spicy frustration and weird loops of stumbled strategy, so i hope you are being as kind as you can to both others and yourself. i recommend having a splashy expression of emotion in any sort of body of water. soothe yourself by letting the water spray and kick. watch water sports, scream in the shower, contemplate a drop of sweat. figure out how water can be enlivening in its extremity. do what you can to safely express the intensity of feeling in ways that summon both liquid and play. there is magic brewing in the darkness for you. the more you refine your capacity for patience, the more you’ll be able to grab the magic when it pops out the other side.



a useful way to think about your relationships this season might be through the language and idea of ‘reflection’. what do the close people in your life reflect to you and about you. what do you reflect back to those in your life? how is reflection a conversation and a dance? what is the role of imitation in your life? in your one to one exchanges, try to embody a behaviour that you would like mirrored back to you. observe successes and failures like an investigator. you may feel like there are big shifts happening just out of vision, structural movements taking place in the corner of your eye. you’ll be ready for them when they emerge.



 if there is something in your life that feels a bit like it’s falling apart or disintegrating, then try your best to honour any grief that comes along with this. and know that right in the middle of a shift such as this is a potent seed of very beautiful and valuable creation. don’t underestimate the importance of in-between spaces. the incredibly frustrating sensations of ‘being left in the dark’ is also a stage of life that reveals something about your needs and contributes to wisdom, as well as builds a capacity for trust. for the next four weeks, open your body to receive love from relationships that have stood the test of time and acknowledge the joy you give to people everyday. flow is your structure right now.




it feels like your inner guidance or intuition is both incredibly strong and out of sight right now. take time to bring together new and different ways of perceiving the world to figure out your next steps. the last two years or so have opened and closed so many chapters for you, tune into how this period of reshuffling has brought you closer to your sense of self and the boundaries you need to maintain a strong connection to yourself. even though you may be battling with imbalances around energy at the moment, remember that balance rarely a fixed state, rather it is an ongoing action as well as a goal. honour your anger but don’t burn any bridges.




it’s a supportively twisty time for you. so trust that through the various detours that false starts and misunderstandings provide, it could be that you discover vital information required for you to achieve your goals. try not to be hard on yourself if you feel stuck. aquarius season always functions as a kind of first quarter to your own personal year or cycle. so although the year is starting off for most folks – for you, certain things may feel like they are settling into a rhythm, even if the rhythm is a little bumpy at the moment. try your best to prioritise creativity and play during these wild times. let the rules of the game create intimacy and friendship.
let pleasure soothe situations of inflammation.



there’s a strong but tense line between you and something important to you. without adding pressure, remain in meangingful contact what is important by remembering how much you learn and become more of yourself through being open to different views, voices and messages. there is an opportunity to invite some sweetness into the some of the heavier experiences you’ve been having, so get serious about delight. show patience with the people in your life who are acting out of turn or simply checking out. in moments of uncertainty, we have to dig deep to do the necessary work of tolerating each other. wear yellow to remind you of your brightness.



it could be that the last several weeks have forced you to come into contact with uncanny expressions of violence or challenge, and you are having to engage with tough questions around how to deal with these things. please remember to rely on your community and the people literally and figuratively next door and nearby. one side-effect of times of upheaval can be an incredible display of human empathy and solidarity. when feeling low, try to strategically focus on the ways in which people come together to keep your spirits high. it’s okay to take a step back and out of the limelight while your friends and family hold the reigns for a bit. take a little rest, capricorn. you need it.