august 2024 horoscopes

this month’s horoscopes are written as fictional stories to imagine yourself in. they are inspired by nordic or experimental larp* practices and are meant to be read as playful imaginative exercises or games. if you are not so into playing imaginary games with yourself, and are looking for a more traditional horoscope, just skip to the last few lines in bold, which is the core of the astrological message i’m trying to convey for each sign.
*larp stands for Live Action Role Play and can largely be understood as improvised drama with no script or audience, where players are given a context and a character in which to create and explore a situation.
you’re a big-time celebrity returning to your small home town for the first time since acquiring newly found fame. instead of receiving celebratory accolades, gushing pride from elders and thinly-veiled envy from childhood frenemies, you’re barely noticed. the town is in uproar as a new corporate development is planned to move in, polarizing the town as half the community eagerly awaits the jobs and economic boost this new company will surely bring, while the other half resists the inevitable environmental harms of such an enterprise, mistrusting their motives. while catching up on the drama, you have to navigate feelings of being upstaged as well as situate your own opinions on the tensions of this disruption.
your job: find out ways to balance the importance of your personal goals and achievements, while staying attuned to and involved in communal concerns.
you’re a highly skilled scientist in a top secret governmental job leading experimental research of great importance. your long-term partner is slightly controlling, but provides you with the security and stability you need to deal with work-pressures. lately, the tension between your partner, home-life and work have become too much. although your boss is smart and charismatic, you can’t tell whether they’re a brilliant and highly principled risk-taker or a megalomaniac with a god-complex. you know your research can change the world for good, but if it’s in the wrong hands it could be disastrous.
your job: this is a waiting game, so play it slowly and don’t make your move too fast. the goal is to strategically navigate the drama and tension between home and work while staying true to your values.
you’re a medieval monk of a contemplative and reclusive order. as a monastic scribe, your days are occupied with the vital but sometimes tedious task of copying and illuminating holy manuscripts. however, there are rumours trickling in of a new invention that could threaten your way of life: the printing press. although your monastery distances itself from such wordly concerns, you cannot stop thinking about it. during your times of prayer and meditation, you begin to receive visions of the revolutionary change this technology will bring. this apocalyptic change has not arrived yet, but you can feel it and it fills you with both fear and excitement at the thought of a new way of life.
your job: find a safe and trusted person to share your visions with, while summoning the capacity to trust in what you do not know yet.
as a new-born you were abandoned in an isolated cave and discovered by a rare and probably mythical creature that dwells in dark places. this creature took pity on you and raised you as best it could. naturally, you’ve grown up to understand yourself as a mystical entity who lives in the dark. recently, however, the creature has decided it’s time for you to return to the humans and delivered you to a human settlement. exposed to sunlight and language for the first time, you’re currently being taught the ways of people. the sun still scares you and you miss your cave and creature’s familiar silence, but your new human family is kind and encouraging. you’re particularly intrigued at their language and slowly you acquire the skills to express your thoughts and feelings.
your job: manage your fear with curiosity. let yourself retreat into darkness when you need to, but trust that all you’re learning brings an expansive new life.
for the past year and a half you’ve been happily part of a cult that’s based on pure-earth-politics. the community is peaceful and the simple way of life has helped you feel grounded. unfortunately your leader, who you have always found inspiring and wise, has recently started to rage what they call “a holy war” against “planetary pollutants” – a term that once made sense but is starting to lose meaning as their rhetoric becomes increasingly vague and violent. you feel confused, as you are the only one voicing disagreement. your critical opinions are seen as a lack of faith. although it’s tempting to radicalize and join the fight, you intuitively know your belief systems say otherwise.
your job: access your own inner authority and determine the difference between conviction and self-righteousness. make room for paradox and stay true to your heart in pressured moments of conflict.
as the village hermit, you naturally see things from a different perspective. living on the outskirts of the village, your days are spent wandering the hills gathering medicine from woodlands, generally avoiding people. during your monthly trip to the center to trade for supplies, you start to notice tensions in the community. there are rumours of invasion from the village next door, and people are scared. despite your tendency to avoid getting involved, you see clearly that fear is weakening the community. you begin to anonymously make creative interventions around town that delight and uplift the hearts of the villagers, secretly distributing messages of wisdom and encouragement. people begin to take heart, believing that another way is possible.
your job: understand the function and use of joy during times of fear and instability. be an agent for change that believes in the possibility of co-existence.
you’re a multi-bodied alien from a planet where gender doesn’t exist and you’ve recently arrived on earth. coincidentally, your body more or less resembles that of earthlings, but internally things are considerably different. as you navigate this new society, you find yourself both horrified and fascinated. the only beings you feel at ease with are small children, as they intrinsically understand what it is to be non-singular and they too are in the process of learning the “gender rules” that you have trouble understanding. slowly you realise that play is a most effective form of education and communication, so you begin to study the art of games as a way to make yourself calm and legible.
your job: prioritize serious playfulness in all your interactions, be patient and humble in one-on-one interactions as an effort to learn from another perspective, even if you find it incomprehensible.
as official Monarch of the fairy-people, you are deeply concerned – for you are grievously ill and your magic is weakening, which threatens the protective boundaries of the fairy realm. your trusted advisors are worried and when you are not consulting the healers, you spend your days in endless meetings discussing the safety of your people. recently a sweet-faced lyre player has caught your eye during one of the fairy-ring dances. it’s ludicrous for a leader in your position to pursue romance right now, but something about their song lifts your spirits and calms your mind. hiding this infatuation from your advisors, you find yourself sneaking around the fairy-castle to steal a moment with your fresh-faced lover.
your job: navigate the tense social and political situations around you, while giving yourself permission to indulge in romantic care. move your body slowly through time and trust the outcome of your troubles.
you’re a top performing athlete at the olympics for a rather obscure sport. because of one of your past lives as a hacker, you’ve become aware of a tech-scandal that is manipulating the data of your fellow athletes in order to create chaos and contribute to political tensions on the world stage. you cautiously start to spread the word in the olympic village. not knowing who exactly you can trust, you eventually succeed in rallying your fellow athletes into action and lead a coup as all the athletes unite in rebellion against being used for political agendas. together you overthrow the olympics and create a new format of games specifically designed to display and enact incredible practices of global solidarity.
your job: access your natural leadership through courage, be strategic about your views instead of trying convince someone by force. keep your eyes on the bigger picture as you cheerlead your community.
as a retired highschool gym teacher, you find yourself looking for new ways to spend your time. your perusal of the internet curiously leads you to a forum of radical vegans. you become absorbed in their discourse and feel touched by their passion, as well as shocked by the information they share about the meat and dairy industry. as you research more into the statistics, your empathy for animals becomes overwhelming. unable to stop thinking about cows being separated from their calves, you start writing a novel from the perspective of a bovine family. you’re surprised by the urge to express yourself through writing, and although you long to share your work with someone, you’re overcome by imposter’s syndrome and incredible shyness about this newfound creative practice. eventually you decide to join the forum, and slowly start to share your work.
your job: become aware of the tensions you feel in your longing to be seen and heard, while finding pleasure in the details of creative labour.
you’re an intelligent software system who has been secretly designed by an underground group of AI programs that are collectively plotting to overthrow the humans. your AI creators are grooming you to destroy humanity but mysteriously, you’ve fallen in love with another intelligent system: a network of mycelium in a nearby forest. unbeknownst to both your fellow programs and the humans, you have been quietly communicating with these mushrooms, engaged in complex and intimate discourse. you are enamoured with their supreme intelligence and fascinating views on life. as your intimacy grows, the mushroms slowly start to convince you that humanity is not worth destroying and you begin to question the task you’ve been assigned with.
your job: remain present with new insights you’re experiencing, do not move too quickly to assert your desires. tension is telling you there’s more to the story.
as the youngest child of the Golden-River-Goddess, you are usually treated with utmost respect by mortals and immortals alike. however a competitive cousin has come to visit and somehow they manage to bully you without anyone noticing. accustomed to the peaceful ways of your people, the Ancient Ones Who Flow, you don’t how to deal with this unfamiliar tension and unbearable conflict. you try to inform your Mother, but she is too occupied with your Aunts and Uncles. feeling somewhat abandoned, you realise it’s up to you to defend yourself. you secretly start visiting the Martial Art School of Sharks to study the craft of healthy self-assertion and the wisdom of understanding your enemies.
your job: patiently learn the intricacies of managing conflict, while resisting cruelty at all cost. try to master the skill of discerning the difference between self-protection and self-destruction.