december 2024 horoscopes

by | horoscopes


whatever offerings of help or support you received this year, especially in the second half of the year, treat them like little seeds. water them with awareness and gratitude and watch as they grow into 2025. these seeds may seem small now but there’s an opportunity for them to radically change something directly connected to your core self and vision for your future. roll with it. i’m excited for you.

of course, you may still be experiencing a kind of sorrow that keeps hovering just in the corner of your eye. this could be something that’s been sitting right there all year. don’t ignore it but don’t let it get the better of you. if you can, trust that something about this sorrowful grief is forming a stronger foundation to how you emanate your truth in the world.

think back to october and consider how any surprising events in your surrounds may have shaken up some topics, asking you to reassess how and what you communicate to the world around you. next year you will land in a place where you feel you are more able to do what you’re here to do. so stay grounded, stay humble and keep doing your thing.




there are things that are helpful to know about yourself. for example, you have an innate understanding of time, of the long game, of the way in which things develop slowly. this doesn’t mean you are patient. it just means you grasp the way in which transformation happens slowly. what has been slowly transforming over the past fifteen years? 2024 has brought a close to an important chapter that began back in 2008.

find a quiet moment to think back to that time, honour the beginning of that past moment whilst acknowledging that you are entering into another moment of beginning. for some of you, there have been major changes in your home life and public life. while these changes are not fully wrapped up, it’s worth contemplating that even though roots are deep and seemingly immovable, they too are in slow but constant motion. what roots have been pruned? what new ones are growing?

this year has also brought you closer to a new kind of softness, a more vulnerable type of empathy that is entangled with a more resilient way of grieving. how have you become intimate with the power of deep emotion? what sort of wisdom and strength have you discovered in the states of fluidity and flow? what new structures in your life support practices of empathy? how have you let waves of hope wash over brutal realities?




looking back on the year, it could be that it felt like just another year. at the same time, there is probably a part of you that understands this is the year it all changed. some changes are so massively obvious, it’s easy to identify them. others are subtle and quiet – almost invisible, that you have no idea they’ve taken place. big or small, 2024 marked a shift for you and i think many of these shifts are related to power.

some questions to ask yourself during a moment of contemplation: have you changed your relationship to power? to your own power especially? are you scared of your own power? or perhaps, scared of not being able to access your power? perhaps power doesn’t look at all like the thing you think it looks like. perhaps power is becoming something else entirely.

you don’t have to have the answers. right now, just hanging out with the questions is more than enough. fresh air and deep breaths are your allies in moments of overwhelm. something of your worldview, your creativity and the big questions about your path in life are opening up to new horizons. there is a reason you are here, in this time and on this planet – trust me.



some of you have adapted to the oceanic weight of 2024, to the vague sense of being trapped or having no options. some of you haven’t adapted to this and are very frustrated by it and that’s okay. this too shall pass (i swear). while the past year may have had its fair share of profound challenges, at the same time it has brought you closer to a more bad-ass version of yourself.

you may have had to deal with “no’s” – either giving them or receiving them. and that may have felt bad. but in the long-run, it’s brought you closer to a kind of adulting that is an integral part to your natural growth. ask yourself what you have cut away this year and how has it made room for something else to take up space? what do you want to take up space? it’s a good time to get serious about this question.

the end of 2024 has also perhaps brought you a little taster of the sort of drama that will enable you to integrate everything you’ve learnt about boundaries over the year. this is a bridging time, so do what you kind to bridge the parts of you that hope, the parts of you that give up and everything in between.



this year has been a weirdly explosive one for you. explosive in ways that are hidden and obscured by questions of what is yours and what is mine. the last few weeks of 2024 provide a perfect time for you lay low and look back. don’t be overly concerned if you’re lacking energy – now is the time for reflection.

ask yourself: what you have you learned about your needs when it comes to communication? how do they differ or align with the needs of others? what about how you take action wants to change? and what is it about the details of your desires that shapes how you take action in the first place?

next year offers an opportunity for you to get more clarity around your values. but before we get there, we have to look back. think back especially to april… what chaos, big or small, was taking place? and now that you have some distance, did something generative and life-giving emerge from that chaos? grab any clues you may have from this time and throw it onto the bonfire of your becoming process.



i know you’re tired. i know. but we are slowly approaching the end 2024, as well as the end of a long period of instability and revolution. i mean personally… globally of course we are just beginning a new season of radical (and terrifying) change. but of all the signs, i think you are the most prepared for what it means to truly transform, to transform from your roots and from your core. you’ve had first-hand experience with radical change when you really think about it. and there are many valuable insights you can share with us as we move into the next season.

so as you look back on the year, try to catalogue some lessons you learnt the hard way. take a moment to congratulate yourself for how you’ve rolled with the punches, dipped and dived, gotten back up. acknowledge how you discovered that the things you always thought were rock solid also have the capacity to slip and slide, how everything is animate – even the rocks.

at the same time, what about those aspects of your life that you had never even thought about a year ago? and now they seem to be ever-available, totally necessary and a vital piece of the foundation to your being. you’ve morphed, adapted and sprouted new little weird blossoms. let the world catch glimpses of whatever you are ready to share. 



think back to the month of may – did you experience a possibly uncomfortable opening of horizons? it’s been a year of growth for you, take a moment to honour this. what about your sense of self has slowly started to repair? try to identify one or two key moments where you experienced a realization of “this is who i am, and it is well.”

while the last few weeks of 2024 may have brought up little sparks of confusion or disarray, all of the mishaps and misunderstandings will funnel down into some kind of cosmic logic or important lesson. you are very good at learning things when you remember this about yourself. let your curiosity be the net that catches all of the insights and integration this year has afforded you.

halfway through next year you will start to experience radical and exciting shifts when it comes to self-perception – yay! there’s nothing you have to do, but if you want to create a healthy and dynamic foundation for a new chapter, look back on the past six months and intentionally tune into your experiences of growth and maturation.



what were you experiencing in january 2024? more specifically, what were you experiencing when it came to the themes of conflict and aggression? the start of 2025 will resurrect some of those lessons in ways that could feel more personal and intense. try not to go to war, but rather observe, reassess and reconfigure your emotional stance towards all of your triggers around conflict.

in a more general sense, 2024 wrapped up a big chapter for you in the relationship department. and you are slowly and cautiously ready to start integrating all of the shit you’ve learnt about who are you in partnership, what you want and what you don’t want. don’t rush it, but don’t ignore it.

it could also be that 2024 continued to bring a little series of surprising upsets in various corners of your life. upsets of all kinds generally reveal something about something that needs to shift. identify four key aspects of your life, aspects that provide some sort of orientating grid – has something in this grid shifted? how do you want to collaborate with this shift?




something peripheral but integral to your identity has been kind of itching to change for almost seven years now. how has 2024 asked (or demanded) that you surrender to those changes? we know that despite your love of adventure and excitement, leo is a sign that thrives on stability so change might be more daunting than you think. but think back to april this year… did something happen that hints at the possibility of radical changes as an abundant source of gifts?

either way, next year will demand a kind of transformation process, so i suggest you practice letting go and opening up to embodying more a authentic version of yourself. easier said than done, i know. but the last few weeks of the year offer a chance to slow down and reassess the ways in which you embody your desires, your will and power.

i know that looking back and reflecting might not always come naturally. there is no one way to do this. start from the present, take steps backward, month by month, memory by memory. along the way, you’ll uncover deep nuggets of insight that will support your understanding of what you want your present to look like.


2024 might have been a seriously mixed bag for you. it could be that you experienced an emotional weight all year long – a kind of psychic wet blanket. and yet at the same time, you might have encountered so many exchanges and conversations that sparked resilience and hope. try to figure out how hope and despair are two sides of the same coin, as contradictory as they may feel.

as you look back on the year, make a little list of things that you would like to come to an end and things that you would like to begin. these can be things that are directly related to how you take up space in the world and how you are perceived. spending time doing some internal reorganization, some emotional filing if you will, is going to support you come 2025.

a long season of chronic confusion is also coming to an end. and it could be that just as the world is becoming more and more nonsensical, you quietly slip into a season of refreshing clarity. these contradictions can not only coexist, they can even support each other. looking back with humility, what about 2024 needs to be laid to rest, and what do you want to carry through with you?



perhaps 2024 felt like vital parts of yourself just disappeared. this is never an enjoyable phenomena but if it brings some comfort, according to the cosmos this sensation is perfectly on time. disappearance is always entangled with some kind of appearance. think back to was has appeared and disappeared for you this year. sometimes (dis)appearances are not seen but felt, sensed or suspected.

the last year and a half or so have been challenging for libra folks – not without its beauty, but not without its challenges. in times of challenge we generally find new avenues and access to support. it could also have been that, on some level, the whirlpool of changes throughout the past year have been exactly what you’re craving. either way, there have been surprising sources of support for you. identifying and tuning into the support that has emerged over the past six months will open up more opportunities for you to start integrating all that you’ve learnt.  

hopefully this year has also brought new insights into what you need emotionally and how you show up in partnerships. next year will ask you to review and embody all that you’ve learnt about who you are and what you value. keep making internal space for something new – it’s on the way.



looking back on the year may feel unnecessary and truly like the last thing on your to-do list right now, but by the time 2025 arrives you’ll have more time and space to really reflect on what went down this year. from the surprising maturation processes in your relationships to the weird sensation of actually finding that you are your own anchor, it’s been a year of subtle but structural progress.

what ever exploded in april, trust that gifts are starting to emerge in the wake of any ferocious storms you experienced this year. and you are finally learning to manage and work with the weighty responsibilities that you were struggling with back in 2022 and 2023. it could be that you are ready to take on a new mission or feeling galvanized to complete your current goals. either way, give yourself the gift of looking back. honour everything that you’ve accomplished this year.

remember that accomplishment looks very different to different people. as the world embarks on a new chapter of relating to power in unexpected and perhaps unforeseen ways, trust that the person you’ve become this past has something very real to contribute. your critical perspectives on power and control are ready to come to the party.