horoscopes for pisces season (18 feb-20 march 2025)

by | Feb 18, 2025 | horoscopes

this month’s horoscopes are written as poems.

to remind us that despite what the chaos and terror of the world might want you to believe, Audre Lorde is still correct: Poetry is Not a Luxury.



you are large enough
to contain the constrictions
your expanse can hold
every single one of these confusions.
in the tiny details
that fly around
the home
of your mind,

you will find your horizon again.
let fire return and warm your waters,
let beginnings come back and
aim your projects. let weirding worms of
chaos slowly show you new pathways




if everything is backward, if all is underground follow it with river’s trust
and trust

that rivers rage too.
is on time
and time is bending.
bend with,
not against.
your arrow is returning – rejoice!
this agonizing baptism brings into vision
the Holy
of your next vital mission.




crawl into your cave
so you can start again.
let silence sing your lullabies
and sunlight shine
your darkest eyes.
in your cave
meet a ghost,
ask it what it wants to know.
let it go, that thing you hold
if it does not hold you
in return.
and let return
your power.




the center
of your center
repairs itself
(even if unfelt)
and around you little storms do whirl but
remember you are held.
recall your steps and slowly let
your winding path bring sense.
sometimes enthusiastic illogic
is precisely how space trends.
a strange construction
that brings light makes its tense way to you, so open windows!

and try to catch
the light that’s pouring through.




the shock waves, heat waves, electric
all gather to your sea.

but once-upon-a-time,
an animal gave you wisdom-keys.

and in these keys of wisdom,
you found a deep capacity.
and in this deep capacity, you glimpsed –
a candle burning bright.
a glance of hope behind it
you saw a future type of life.

so hold the glance and let it shift
the stuckness moves you bit by bit.




a soaking wet sky
wants to pour
its secrets down
on you –
be dripped upon
in mystery unseen
and perceived.
dissonance could
your guidance be.
directly opposite you’ll see
for a place to land.
(so open up your hands)




the different ways to earth
return you to your hearth

it is heavy
and also shiny
and also misty

right now

i know, you know, we know,
but sometimes knowing


i go, you go, we go
through matter
together and it matters




down and round, sound by sound
anger points you to the ground
be worky but be resty

testy! testy! testy!

the test is tasty if you trust
the final outcome of the must
wordy play and gifty-games
help guide you
through winding ways.

be rebel and rebel!
against the grain serves you well,
the lost is not confused if
it knows it will be found.




playing mad
may make
wild games go dark,
shedding light on un-seen non-sense
that senses you to yourself.
(let the riddles flow, let the dragons go)

around you circle stranging bodies
and at the meeting point
of that thought and this feeling
is a corner, where liquid becomes air
where joy becomes care

and in the corner, turning, you turn
back towards your center



can you see the little arrows of ideas
falling down?
pointing towards your
backwards bulls-eye
in this world (thinking)
the tides of your foundations

ocean whirls and pools
friendship is your
needed fool
foolship is your hidden tool.




neighbor chit-chat cutie cute
the small stuff is
life’s sweetest loot!
silly tangles plop upon
inside jokes and sibling-songs.
freshness turns as conflicts solve
grief is grieving, as of old.
and road is long
but clearing.
love goes back and
it might scratch
but rewind is no heart attack.
back and forth, it come it go
construct your wisest yes and no.




electric lightning keeps you fighting
and your stubborn
wants to be taken for a walk

so stroll slow

and look:
your underneath is shining!
don’t forget it! leaking damp explosions

let go and you will get it.

meanwhile, meaning well, a breeze
somewhere plays pleasure with you
so don’t get cross with things that nice,
they feed you strong
they keep you light.