july 2024 horoscopes

cancer: for the first two weeks of july, practice pulling things towards you – literally, imaginatively, energetically… now is a good time to intentionally attract what you feel you are needing. the new moon on july 6th is particularly potent for drawing some necessary goodness towards you. it doesn’t have to be a big deal. just imagine yourself as a magnet that gets to choose what it attracts. tune into the action of gathering, be it friends, flowers or food. the second half of the month gets a little more bumpy with a powerful full moon on 21 july, so take time to give some thought about whatever you pull towards yourself, and make sure it’s nourishing.
leo: if you have felt that either you or your relationships have been dramatically changing over the past year or so but the change looks vaguely abstract or feels quietly internal, then july may bring these sensations of transformation deeper into your body, more into your reality. emotions might be running high and you could find yourself grappling with power dynamics. whatever the astral weather brings for you this month, remember that your center is your guide. consider how the center of something is not always easy to find, consider how sometimes it moves. consider your own center. this month, challenge yourself to place your hand on wherever you think your center might be, at least once a day, and especially if you’re activated. by literally connecting with your center, you’ll be more anchored to ride the waves of whatever you’re swimming in.
virgo: you know how when a young child is excitedly trying to tell you a story about something that happened, but they get stuck and it’s not really making sense, and they lose the plot but they’re still very confident and excited so keep going with their incomprehensible tale? this is the vibe i’m feeling for you in july. on the one hand, things might be feeling super vibrant and you’re full of energy and plans but on the other hand you’re still tired af and things are still deeply confusing. it’s ok. you’re still not supposed to fully know yet. try find the joy and excitement of planning, of strategy, of gearing up, without the pressure of actually taking action. aka: enjoy the buzz without trying to make it work. don’t panic if you find you’re not going anywhere but your engine is running hot. flap your hands and stumble over words as you keep on telling your inner adult all about the thing with the thing with the thing…
libra: if you look at the glyphs for each sign, you’ll notice libra kind of looks like a setting sun: ♎︎ and if you tilt your head, you can also imagine it as two profiles, one talking with an open mouth (top line) and then other just chilling. this month, i want you to be the bottom line in the libra glyph – horizontal, quiet, chilling. there are other months to lift your head, open your month and get involved, there are other times to be the shiny sun getting in your last word. but this month, you’re the horizon. flat and resting. right now you’re in the hammock of time swung between eclipses, in march there was a lunar eclipse in your sign. and then in october there will be a solar eclipse in libra – aka: shit has been churned up and now it’s time to let it settle. so let yourself ferment before the year ends with another transformative bang.
scorpio: you might find yourself feeling pretty motivated, energized or recognized in the first three weeks of july, with new developments occuring in work or partnerships. when the sun enters leo on 22 july, this energy could shift into uncomfortable tension, which may turn up the pressure, revealing the ways in which you’re burnt out. take time to tend to your body, especially if you’ve noticed how certain emotional patterns are draining you. now is actually a very sweet time for you to be reconfiguring internal emotional structures. best approach this labour with an attitude of gentle playfulness. we’re all in process and healing is not a race, nor a competition, it’s mostly just a plod. and if you’re struggling to access play in this battleground we call life, arm yourself with dad jokes and get as wholesomely corny as you can.
sagittarius: there’s nothing quite like a relationship to show us how we’ve changed. intimacy is the measuring stick of growth. but it’s not always an easy measurement to read. this month, take some time to disappear, find some private moments to consider how your close relationships, and all that you share within them, are revealing to you your own pace of change. i also want to ask you to be extra conscious of your words, not only what you say but how you say it. imagine your words as arrows, flying out your mouth – do they hit the target with impressive accuracy? or do they pierce the skin of another? words have power, so engage with humility and consciousness and try to find a place where your beliefs are able to find the value in the beliefs of others, too.
capricorn: if you follow other astrologers, you may or may not be aware that there are two full moons in your sign this year. there was one back in june and will be another on 21 july. but what does it mean? you ask. well, dear capricorn it could mean a variety of things depending on your chart and what you find meaningful. but ultimately it is a time that invites (or demands) an ability to be present not only with your own emotions, but also with the emotions of those around you. this is mostly a deeply challenging undertaking for all human beings, so be kind if it feels like you’re failing. if you’re trying – you’re not failing. i also see this time as a sort of finale, a cosmic closing curtain on a chapter of your life that began back in 2008. this month, i would invite you to release and say farewell to any old ghosts that haunt you from this era of your life.
aquarius: by this point you may be starting to feel a gentle but palpable sense of integration and wisdom blossoming inside of you. things that may have caused an intense reaction a few years ago just don’t seem to activate you as much anymore. you’re able to access more of your inner wisdom now, especially around topics of communication. for you, leo season is always a vitalizing albeit probably challenging time for relationships and the first few weeks of july offer many opportunities to put into practice what you’re learning about communication. open your palms to the pleasures of learning and consider every and any surface as a possibility for reflection. in some ways the dramatic changes you’ve been going through over the past few years are ending – and in other ways they’re only just beginning.
pisces: i don’t know what to tell you, pisces. july is looking like a gentle and supportive time for you. aside from some longer ongoing transits that are challenging (and by now probably just feel like a cumbersome and annoying part of the furniture that is your life) – in july, the astral weather seems to provide something that feels like an afternoon floating on a lake, or an energizing barefoot jog in the forest, or simply a cute picnic with friends. often we turn to astrology when we’re in crisis, desperately seeking good news or answers or more omens of struggle. in this day and age, when our anxiety is instrumentalized, it’s not always easy to accept that sometimes, life can also have ease. this month, i challenge you, dear pisces, tune into the moments where life shows to you that it can in fact, also be easy.
aries: july brings a kind of inspirational rhythm to your days. it could feel like a subtle tingling, a big explosion or anything in between. if you notice you have a little more access to joy, to eros and to creative flow than usual – then lean in my aries friend. when the eclipse points finally leave your sign in march next year, you will find yourself an entirely different person and more yourself than ever. until then, there is nothing you have to do, other than understand that by fully being yourself, you in some way enable others to fully be themselves. it may sound odd, but this is a kind of service to the world, don’t hide who you are aries – we need you to shine! (also: i write these mainly for sun signs, but if you’re reading for your rising – do be cautious with your spending. try avoid large and spontanous purchases. instead do a big clean-out and get rid of some unnecessary stuff).
taurus: oh taurus, dear taurus. it’s not that you don’t like change – you do like change! theoretically. in practice and on a material level, it can just be quite annoying, not so? this month, i’d like you to invite surprises. let others surprise you or let yourself surprise you. try something different like an unusual haircut or a garment that clashes with your usual style. give your discomfort a chance to become something else… curiousity? awkwardness? delight? everytime you open a door to something unknown, you create a chance to discover more about yourself. the second half of the month could feel a bit itchy, or like some electrical equipment is buzzing somewhere and you can’t find the source – try not to let the mounting pressure spill over into your friendships and close relationships. take responsibility for the inner tensions you feel and keep your eyes on the goal.
gemini: if last month felt totally wild, then well, yes. i mean, astrologically that tracks. bring yourself back to earth by seeking out large bodies of water. most of july offers a chance to recuperate, so take it. find a low-stakes creative project, something that doesn’t need to become anything but brings you joy just through the act of doing it – play with words, play with colours. when mars enters your sign on 20 july, eventually meeting up with jupiter, you could find your spark once more ignited or you could find that burnout becomes a reality this time. either way, i would propose you think twice before you say “yes” – we’re only half-way through the year and there is still plenty more astrology (and life) to experience. so nestle into your self-care routine and use this month to honour the nap, the snack and the feels.