may 2024 horoscopes

taurus: savour any form of bounty and blessing by playing a funny secret little game with yourself where you try to swallow sunlight. literally. enter a child’s imaginary game and drink it in like the golden juice it is. let the sun be your guide and teacher this month. invite sunlight to be your companion – be it through a refracted prism or dappled leaves. also taurus, it’s okay to feel good in a world where everything is terrible and grief is palpable. actually, it’s more than okay, it is radical and necessary.
gemini: this month try record any dreams you can remember through as many different mediums you can think of – sketch them, sing them, transform them into poems or emoji-stories, recount what happened in your sleeping world to strangers and pets alike. your under-surface is moving and its worth your time to playfully interface with what is just out of sight, with what lies beneath you. come the end of the month, your sense of self will receive a large and cosmic boost. make sure your foundations are ready.
cancer: you may still be seething / steaming / heaving from april’s wild astro-weather and that’s ok. there are cracks of comfort scattered throughout the month, stay alert for them and when you spot one – crawl into it. i mean literally allow yourself to crawl into something this month. a tree, a funny edge between two buildings, the space under your desk. be imaginative and stay enclosed for a good moment. this month brings support but there are still some prickly spikes just around the corner so occupy the cracks before they occupy you.
leo: tension is energy, and energy is matter. this month is a good month to ask yourself what tensions matter to you. take stock of the different flavours and species of tension in your life, their qualities, colours, where they live, what they feed on. let them become your weird babies so that you can see how they give you energy or take your energy away. this month may feel like a subtle (or not so subtle) test. show up in ways that feel most honest to you – in three months you’ll be both wrapping up and starting a new cycle.
virgo: i like this month for you, virgo-friend. when the world feels so consistently chaotic and unforgiving, it’s not always easy to notice (or trust) when things actually go smoothly. try to wrangle a situation (or two) where you feel you are literally being carried by something – perhaps a formal request for a piggyback ride from a friend or a stolen moment on a swing. try put your body into something where it can feel carried, and remind yourself that despite the slow-going struggle of being an enfleshed human person, you are still very much cradled in the bosom of the cosmos.
libra: well you made it through april and that’s enough forever. well done! my advice this month is two-fold (the way you like it). on the one hand, slip into the background and find a hidden time of day where you can spend quality time with a very material and physical type of pleasure of your choosing. on the other hand, allow some kind of anger to simply be itself and engage as responsibly as you can. scream into the void or play a competitive sport. there may be a moment where you come face to face with a frenemy, how do you want to show up for it?
scorpio: did you plant something deep in the soil of your center about six months ago? if so, you may start to see it bloom this month. think back to your birthday and scry for re-emerging themes. allow relationships to show how you hold yourself – easier said than done so practice with moving objects… when you’re stationary, hone in on a moving entity – whether it’s a bus flying by or a stranger walking past. as they cross your vision, feel your stillness as a separate but tethered anchor in relation to their speed. let the moving world around you reveal your fixed but dynamic and relational self.
sagittarius: this month might bring an energetic boost to the fundamental core of who you are, as well as a spooky (or much-needed?) sense that everything is slowing down and/or disappearing. let it unfold, and don’t shame any long-term exhaustion or fatigue. june brings fresh and fast-paced feelings so let this month be an extended homage to endings. invent a some kind of mantra, mudra or gesture that you perform quietly to yourself each moment you encounter an ending, be it friend waving goodbye or rolling credits. take a moment to acknowledge any type of conclusion with your self-made holy invention, knowing that it also opens the door to beginnings.
capricorn: taurus season always provides some kind of ease or integration for you. after last month’s emotional churn-up, i suggest you lean into any type of support available. just remember that support may not always feel comfortable (for example, crutches). but it can be deeply necessary (for example, crutches). task yourself with identifying useful discomforts that support you and write them a little thank you card, include a sketch or picture. then write yourself a thank you card, include a self-portrait that is not self-deprecating. hide it in a book or pocket, with the intention to discover it later at the perfect moment. time is more on your side than you think.
aquarius: when things feel mildly crisis-y, it’s not always easy to know when to be alone and when to seek company. don’t forget that for all your fast-thinking, slowness and taking time will always be a remedy for you. trust that tests are not about passing or failing, but rather preparing. tests that emerge this month will prepare you for a type of flow next month. out of sync also belongs to rhythm. so i suggest you study rhythm, whether it’s through a clapping circle or a clock-watching session. observe the many ways in which rhythm, including your own, falls on, off, slides around. trust that chaos also belongs to form.
pisces: by this point you might feel accustomed to a central heavyweight sense of grief that’s made itself massively known over the past year or so. grief is not an easy bed-companion but does bring its own peculiar gifts. it could be that this month you are ready to receive the wisdom of a certain kind of weight. now is a good time to pass it on. create tiny offerings to the gods that have been forgotten, stolen or abandoned. leave them on street corners and in public bathrooms. your desire to be of service does not have to manifest in ways that makes sense or are even seen, they just have to adapt and flow with you as you grow. and remember, the sensation of shrinking is, weirdly enough, also a part of growth.
aries: it may have felt like fireworks for the whole of april, internally or externally. although you probably have a natural affinity for fire (and work) this may or may not have been enjoyable. let the cinders settle as you take time to re-orientate around new desires that could be revealing themselves to you. but don’t rush. by june, things will feel more possible. in the meantime, imagine different parts of your body as an arrow. point that arrow towards something that symbolizes the direction of your desire. perceive your arrow-body not necessarily as an action in motion, but an intention of new orientation.