october 2024 horoscopes

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sun sign horoscopes for october 2024

written as bossy love letters




dear libra,

i want you to know you are absolutely beautiful. don’t let the experience of “beauty” be undermined, even in (especially in) times of chaos and grief. remember that beauty has countless faces, let it comfort you in whatever form. it’s a tense and challenging time of pivots, beginnings and endings. manage fear and stay present with sorrow by being as committedly kind to yourself as possible.




dear scorpio,

i love you how find motivation so sexy. take pleasure in the motivation that you feel deep inside of you, even if it’s messy – even if it’s clouded by collective anxiety. feed your motivation in whatever way you know how. identify what attracts you, identify what you want repels you, identify the material structure of your life – put them all in a pot let them stew. you may not have the answers immediately, but they’re on the way.




dear sagitarrius,

you’re very cute when you let yourself be awkward. awkwardness is charming because vulnerability is relatable. it’s a good time to relate with others through vulnerability, as long as you move very tenderly in intimate exchanges, since we are all in tender times. sprinkle moments of laughter and hope gently on social situations, like a subtle seasoning of necessary optimisim. don’t push, rather let yourself be taken.




dear capricorn,

i hope you know that your capacity to handle and manage difficulty is very admirable (ie. hot). equally attractive is your ability to know when to back down. if you find yourself in a battle of wills, be wise with your next move. wisdom includes permitting yourself to feel confused. whatever challenges might be emerging in relationships, let them slowly reveal to you something about your own desires and ambitions.





dear aquarius,

you’re better than you realize at being the rock around which chaos revolves. there’s something about your inner oddness, mixed with your old-soul energy, that comforts the many people in your life who are struggling with the strangeness of our times. allow your gentle melancholia to be a lovesong to humanity. let any kind of emerging romantic encounters scare the shit out of you. invite other people show up for you in the same way you show up for them.




dear pisces,

you should know that i am really into the way you make flow a methodology. looseness as a structure looks really good on you. and mostly this approach to life works out for you, even if you feel you’re moving with a completely different current to the status quo. if you’ve been intuiting big sparks of personal change on the horizon, you’re not wrong. there’s nothing to do, except do what you’re doing. let it unfold.




dear aries,

i like how shiney and golden you become when someone is admiring you, it’s very attractive. in a time where there is so much push and pull, it’s still okay to feel attractive. remember that it’s easy to mistake a look of admiration for an invitation of conflict. what you think is aggression, might actually be flirtation. it’s easier for you to read the room if you are not acting from a place of defensiveness. you’re ready to (slowly) start integrating all the drama from the last two years.




dear taurus,

for all your tendencies towards the simple comforts of life, you’re also pretty adept at being around deep and terrifying intensity. i really like this paradox about you. let paradox flow towards you like a cryptic poem, trust the pleasure that mystery brings. you are not quite done with suprising changes to your sense of self. so stay open, stay curious. you may find guidance through times of doubt just across from you. practice seeing through different senses.





dear gemini,

going in many different directions at once is something you do easily, and in the right circumstances this skill is totally dreamy. let dreams take you backwards and forwards at the same. let inhalation and exhalation being the glue that binds you to each and every person you love. you may be getting more clarity about certain issues that, for the last few weeks, have felt extra fuzzy. this is nice because sweets and treats trickle towards you at the end of october, let your hands (and mind) be open to receive them.




dear cancer,

the way you make nests is truly inspiring, whether it’s a corner, a concept or a conversation – your capacity to create an environment for something to grow in is a gift. in these demanding and overwhelming times, this gift is a godsend. without pressuring yourself, embrace this ability to carve little cracks for loving growth, let your care-nests charge forward and also charge inwards. be as aggressively loving and kind towards yourself as you are towards the people you care about.




dear leo,

there is something particularly magical about the glint in your eyes. don’t give this too much thought though. rather, let it happen by seeking out joyful things that make your heart shine. a shining heart is what brings that beautiful glint to the surface. (the glint in the corner of your eyes is especially cute.) speaking of corners – if you feel like you’re turning one, it might be because you are. remember, there is always something unseen when it comes to corners, so tread with caution and stay open to surprises.




dear virgo,

i love how committed you are to making things make sense. in a world that increasingly seems to make less and less sense, this is an admirable and very important (albeit heartbreaking) undertaking, one that requires creativity and oddly enough, an understanding of non-sense. allow yourself to play with the intricate overlaps of sense and non-sense. also, however you are feeling, please remember that you are *incredibly* good at what you do.